This section includes information about conditions for accessing and using this website, which must be brought to users’ attention. General Information about for the purposes provided for in Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

  • Owner: Bernadette Louise Garside
  • Corporate address: CC. Botánico, 76 San Fernando (35100) San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Las Palmas, Spain.
  • Email:

Our website provides all manner of information likely to appeal to customers: product offers and promotions, shopping facilities, informations in general, location of our services , etc.


Access to the website and its content and information. Accessing this website is the sole responsibility of the users, and it implies that they are aware of and accept the legal warnings and its terms and conditions of use. The owner reserves the right at any time to make any changes or amendments to the website as it sees fit and without having to provide prior notice.


The User undertakes to use the website properly including its features in accordance with the law, this Legal Notice and the instructions and warnings it conveys.

The User has a duty to use the website and the entirety of its content exclusively for lawful and permitted purposes, which do not violate prevailing law and/or prove damaging to the lawful rights of the owner or those of any third party, and/or which may directly or indirectly cause harm or damage.

To that effect, the User shall refrain from using any of the website content for unlawful purposes forbidden by this Legal Notice, and which harm the rights and interests of third parties, or which may in any way damage, render useless, overload, impair or hinder normal use of the website, lT equipment or documents, files and content of any kind stored on any Group IT equipment (hacking), or that of other Users or any Internet user (hardware and software).

In particular, but not limited to the following, the User undertakes not to transmit, disseminate or make available to third parties information, data, content, messages, images, illustrations, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software and generally any type of material which:

  • is in any way contrary to, discredits or undermines the fundamental rights and public freedoms provided for in the constitution, in international treaties and in remaining laws;
  • instigates, incites or promotes acts of a criminal, degrading, defamatory, slanderous or violent nature, or otherwise any unlawful, immoral or disrespectful act generally considered unacceptable to public order;
  • instigates, incites or promotes discriminatory acts, attitudes or ideas on the grounds of race, sex, religion, beliefs, age or status;
  • introduces, makes available or allows access to criminal, violent, offensive, injurious or degrading products, elements, messages and/or services, or which are otherwise unlawful, immoral or disrespectful and generally considered unacceptable to public order;
  • is false, ambiguous, imprecise, exaggerated or extemporaneous, which may induce errors regarding the subject or the intentions or purposes of the communicator;
  • is protected by intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to third parties, without the User being granted the requisite prior authorization by the owner to use it in the way in which it is being used or is intended to be used.
  • violates commercial secrets of third parties;
  • is in opposition to the right to honour, the right to personal and family privacy or the right to self image of persons;
  • undermines in any way the reputation of the owner or third parties;
  • violates regulations on privacy of communications;
  • constitutes illegal, deceptive or unfair advertising and, in general, constitutes unfair competition;
  • introduces viruses or other elements that could damage or impair normal functioning of the computer systems, networks, equipment or programs (hardware and software) of the owner or third parties, or which may cause damage to the electronic documents and files stored in such equipment;
  • hinders normal operating of the Service as a result of its features (such as format, extension, etc.);

As set out above, the User undertakes to use the content provided to Users through the website, including, but not limited to, texts, photographs, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or audio content, as well as its graphic design and source code (hereinafter, “Content”) pursuant to the law, this Legal Notice, other notices and regulations for use and instructions brought to his or her attention, as well as to behave lawfully, morally and respectfully and generally in a manner considered acceptable to good conduct and public order, and in particular, he or she undertakes to refrain from:

  • reproducing, copying, distributing, making available or otherwise publicly communicating, transforming or modifying Content, unless prior authorisation has been obtained from the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted;
  • deleting, manipulating or in any way altering the copyright and other identifying data of the reservation of rights of the owner or their owners, fingerprints or any other technical means provided for their recognition. The User shall refrain from obtaining or seeking to obtain Content using any means or procedures other than, where applicable, those that have been provided or indicated for that purpose in the web pages holding the Content, or, in general, those normally used on the Internet for this purpose, as long as they do not pose a risk of damage to the website, the Services and/or the Content.

Specifically, the use of image files and audio/video files are subject to the following conditions: Their use for commercial purposes and/or their subsequent distribution is forbidden. The images and audiovisual resources available here are exclusively for use by the media and for information purposes only, provided that the source is acknowledged. Their use for highlighting other companies’ activities, products or events is therefore prohibited. The owner reserve the right to withdraw permission to use any of these images or audio/video files whenever it deems that they are being used in a way contrary to its interests.

Users and, in general, all persons intending to set up a hyperlink between their website and the website (hereinafter, the “Hyperlink”) shall adhere to the following conditions, and always with prior authorisation:

  • the Hyperlink will only enable access to the homepage of the website, or the specific point authorised by the owner, and may not reproduce them in any way;
  • a frame will not be created over the pages of the website;
  • there will be no false, inaccurate or incorrect indications or expressions about the owner or any of its managers, employees, web pages or Products and/or Services;
  • it will not be stated or insinuated that the owner has authorised the link, nor that it has supervised or assumed in any way the services offered or made available on the website on which the Hyperlink appears;
  • with the exception of those signs forming part of the Hyperlink itself, the website on which it appears will not contain any brand, brand name, company sign, name, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to Perfect Wedding Company; and
  • the website on which the Hyperlink appears will not contain any unlawful information or content that contravenes morals or acts generally considered respectful and acceptable to public order, nor shall it feature content that contravenes any rights of third parties.

The insertion of the Hyperlink shall in no event imply the existence of any relationship between The Perfect Wedding Company and the owner of the website where the Hyperlink is inserted, or the acceptance or approval by the owner of its content or services.


The User undertakes to respect the intellectual and industrial copyright pertaining to the owner and any other third party. Use of or enabling access to the website in no way implies the granting of entitlement to brands, brand names or any other distinctive signs used on the website.

Moreover, this Content is the intellectual property of the owner and, pursuant to the provisions of the Legal Notice, no existing exploitation rights or any other rights that may exist regarding said Content shall be deemed transferred to the User, beyond what is strictly necessary for the proper use of the Website.


The owner does not guarantee the availability and continuity of operation of the Website. Whenever it is reasonably possible, we will give a forewarning of interruptions to the operation of the Website. Nor does Owner guarantee that the website can be used for performing specific activities or that it is fail-safe.

Access to the Perfect Wedding Company website is indefinite; nevertheless, the owner reserves the right to discontinue access without prior notice to Users who it deems are not adhering to the regulations for using its website and the right to take legal action as it sees fit. Furthermore, the owner reserves the right to restrict access to certain sections of the general public, by providing password-only access to specific users or user groups, who will be responsible for the safeguarding of the credentials provided.


The owner makes every possible effort to prevent any mistakes in the content of the website, but it does not guarantee nor shall it be liable for errors that may be contained therein.

The owner is exempt from any responsibility for harm or damage of any kind caused by:

  • Disruption to or unavailability of access to the website.
  • Privacy and security in the use of the website by the User, and/or unauthorised third-party access.
  • Possible transmission of elements detrimental to IT systems.
  • Accuracy, completeness and timely updates to Website content.

The owner may use cookies to aid browsing of its website and determine User preferences, thus enabling recognition thereof. The User may nonetheless set his or her equipment to accept or decline cookies. Cookies Policy.


The Owner assumes full responsibility for and provides its full commitment to drafting, implementing and maintaining this Data Protection Policy, ensuring continuous improvement on the part of the data controller with a view to achieving excellence in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJEU L 119/1, 04-05-2016) and with Spanish legislation on the protection of personal data (Spanish Organic Law, specific sector legislation and the implementing regulations).


The parties voluntarily submit to the local courts and jurisdiction of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.

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