Catholic marriage cermony

If one of you is a Catholic, then you can legally marry here in Gran Canaria via the Catholic Church.
We have beautiful Catholic Churches around the island where legal Catholic ceremonies can be held (subject to previous authorisation from the priest).
Ceremonies can be conducted in English, Spanish or German (depending on chosen Church).
A translator can be arranged wherever necessary.

The paperwork process is very easy to undertake by following the steps below:
- One of the couple must be of the Catholic faith.
- Both persons must not have been married previously in the Catholic Church.
- We’ll speak to the priest at your chosen church and ask for authorisation to conduct your marriage ceremony, along with booking the date and time with him.
- We’ll then provide you with all the details to take to your parish priest, which should then be presented in a maximum of 6 months prior to your preferred wedding date.
- Relate your plans to your parish priest and he will walk you through all the requirements of marrying in the Catholic Church which require attending marriage classes.
- Once your parish priest is happy that you fulfill all of the necessary requirements; he will then forward the relevant information to your local Diocese.
- This information will then be transferred to the Diocese here in Gran Canaria.
- We then stay on top of everything on this side.
- A few days after your church ceremony, we take you to the local registry office to officially register your marriage here in Spain and request your marriage certificate and “Libro de Familia”
Contact us for a free consultation!
You simply have to leave your contact details and we will get back to you within 24 hours.
Whichever option you choose, we can create your perfect wedding – flexibility is our key word! Tell us your dreams and let us make them a reality!

Religious marriage Blessings
Non denomination blessings
Catholic Marriage Ceremony
Svenska Kyrkan