Svenska kyran

If you are Swedish residents, you can get legally married in the Swedish Church in Gran Canaria.
The church is beautifully located in San Agustin with 2 fantastic ceremony options.
You can opt for the ceremony in the garden area which has fantastic views out to sea or inside the church itself.
If your dream is to marry elsewhere, then the priest will also come and marry you at the venue of your choice.
To get married in the Swedish church in Gran Canaria, you must meet these requirements:
- Both partners must be residents of Sweden
- At least one of you must be a member of the Sweden church
- You must have these three forms filled out
- Certificate of Impediments – Order at Skattemyndigheten
- Certificate of Marriage – Order at Skattemyndigheten
- Wedding Form – Order from your parish
(The forms must not be more than 4 months old. Send the forms at least 2 weeks before the ceremony, either as a scan, e-mail or postmail)
We can help you with all of the above liasing with the church to arrange the perfect wedding ceremony!
Contact us so we can help you step by step organize your dream wedding in Gran Canaria!

Religious marriage Blessings
Non denomination blessings
Catholic Marriage Ceremony
Svenska Kyrkan